The Convention was an opportunity for industry leaders to come together and receive the latest information on everything spray foam. There were four days of events, and breakout sessions, such as “Spray Foam and Risk Management: Best Practices,” “New Technologies in SPF,” “Advanced Benefits of Spray Polyurethane Foam,” and “A View of Your Rig Through the Eyes of an OSHA Inspector.”
Two team members earn project manager certification
Mike Materkowski, SPFA Insulation Master Installer
As mentioned, there were opportunities to become certified at different levels in the insulation industry. This was done through the SPFA’s Professional Certification Program. Since The Green Cocoon already has an SPF Insulation Master Installer, Mike Materkowski, and now two Project Managers (Candace and Jim), they are poised to become an SPFA Accredited company. The Contractor Company Accreditation Program is specifically designed for contractor companies involved in the application/installation of SPF in insulation and roofing projects.
Company to become accredited
“We will be one of, if not the only accredited insulation company within a one-hundred-mile radius of our office in Salisbury,” said Lord. “We are fortunate to have certified sprayers and project managers. That is a wonderful accomplishment!”
Valentine’s Day is here! While you are showing your loved ones some extra care today, don’t forget to do the same for your home! Show your home some love this Valentine’s Day!
Here are five ways you can show your home some love this Valentine’s Day.
Check the seals. Gaps in the seals on your doors and windows can compromise your home’s thermal envelope and invite unwanted moisture as well as pests into your home.
Replace worn weather stripping around doors and windows. Did you know that worn weather stripping can create drafts and let cold air in? This puts a high demand on your furnace and takes away your comfort. Replacing it takes little time and is a low-cost, high-impact solution.
Change your furnace filter. A dirty furnace filter means less efficiency and that costs money! Check your furnace filter monthly and if it’s dirty, change it or have it changed. Moreover, have a technician come in and inspect the entire furnace at least once per year.
Update light bulbs to LEDs to save money. LED is a highly energy-efficient lighting technology, and has the potential to fundamentally change the future of lighting in the United States. Residential LEDs—especially ENERGY STAR rated products—use at least 75 percent less energy, and last 25 times longer than incandescent lighting (
Add an automatic thermostat. You can save money and increase energy efficiency on your heating and cooling bills by simply resetting your thermostat when you are asleep or away from home. You can do this automatically, without sacrificing comfort, by installing an automatic setback or programmable thermostat.
In short, there are many steps you can take to make your home warmer and more energy efficient. Contact us to see how!
When you hear the word intern, what comes to mind? Someone to get you coffee? Someone to do your filing and paperwork? For Mareike Mueller, The Green Cocoon’s summer intern, it was a whole different experience. We sat down with Mueller to find out a little bit about her summer internship experience with The Green Cocoon.
Mueller is a student at Wheaton College in Norton, Massachusetts, and is studying business and management in the field of digital marketing. Some of her core courses are Fundamentals of Business, Business and Management Responsibility, Accounting, Digital Marketing, and more. Her plans are to graduate in 2024.
Job responsibilities
Mueller’s weekly routine consisted of going out to look at jobs for potential customers with our director of sales. She was also able to take photos at various jobs and at the New Hampshire home inspectors’ seminar. Mareike also wrote blog posts for the website and generated content ideas for social media posts. Additionally, she created “The Day in the Life at The Green Cocoon” video, soon to be on our YouTube channel.
“This is the first internship where I was truly immersed in the marketing world,” said Mueller. “During my summer intern experience, I was able to use my creativity. But by working in a small business, I realized how many aspects of marketing are involved. It isn’t just the social media portion. You have the sales part and the networking part.”
What was a highlight?
“My favorite piece of this whole experience was the day that I went into Boston,” said Mueller. “VP and Director of Sales Candace Lord and I looked at six jobs. I had the opportunity to look at a job the company was currently working on. It was cool to see the guys in full swing, utilizing their skill in spraying. It gave a whole new perspective to what they do at The Green Cocoon. Moreover, I was able to take photos and videos of the guys working, which is something I enjoy a lot.”
The benefits of hiring an intern
According to Indeed, there are many benefits to hiring an intern. Here are five:
A larger workforce – Interns are valuable support and help to current employees, even if tasks given to them have modest levels of responsibility. By taking on tasks as an intern, other colleagues can pursue creative or more advanced projects.
Mentorship opportunities – Internship programs give current employees an opportunity to mentor future leaders in the field, and it can promote a healthy work culture and build company morale.
A new perspective – Interns offer a fresh look at a company’s day-to-day business and procedures and can share ideas on strategy, plans, policies, and more. As an intern, one can be part of brainstorming sessions and meetings or give input and suggestions to company or internship leaders.
Positive publicity – Communities and industries often commend those who provide internships to the next generation of business people. Companies that offer internships can establish or grow their connections with universities and colleges, increasing their visibility on campuses and ability to recruit other students.
An employee candidate pool – Companies can select and develop future talent through internships. Furthermore, internships increase staff retention rates, since many interns secure job offers after their internship ends. As a former intern, you assimilate into the new role faster than an external hire might.
Thank you, Mareike, for all of your hard work. You always have a home with us!
If your company is interested in hiring an intern and have questions regarding the process, feel free to reach out. We will get back to you.
To learn more about The Green Cocoon, visit our website,
Candace Lord, The Green Cocoon VP & Director of Sales, recently presented at a seminar. It was for the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) Northern New England Chapter. The presentation was held at Puritan Conference Center in Manchester, New Hampshire. Moreover, the seminar focused on materials and their uses and common installation mistakes. It also involved vapor barriers, moisture concerns, and other insulation-related topics.
Lord focused on the insulation types offered by The Green Cocoon, such as open and closed cell spray foam, rockwool and mineral wool. In addition, she educated local inspectors and builders about the science behind the different types of insulation. Equally important, she taught on its specific purpose in a variety of different spaces and settings.
“It was an honor to be invited to speak at the ASHI meeting,” said Lord. “A great insulation company doesn’t just install insulation. They must know the inner workings of the products they use and be able to teach that to others.”
About The Green Cocoon
The Green Cocoon is a leader in the industry. They lead not only in customer service and installation, but also in building science and industry knowledge. They are a BPI (Building Performance Institute) certified company. BPI was founded in 1993 and has become the nation’s premier standards development and credentialing organization for residential energy auditing and upgrade work. Learn more at
With the fourth of July weekend just around the corner, fireworks safety is very important. The Green Cocoon wants everyone to be safe this holiday season. Here is a summer safety tip, be “fireworks smart.” Follow these guidelines from the National Council on Fireworks Safety to ensure you use fireworks safely.
Stats to Consider for Fireworks Safety
In 2017, 8 people died and over 12,000 were injured badly enough to require medical treatment after fireworks-related incidents. Of these, 50% of the injuries were to children and young adults under age 20. Over two-thirds (67%) of injuries took place from June 16 to July 16. And while the majority of these incidents were due to amateurs attempting to use professional-grade, homemade, or other illegal fireworks or explosives, an estimated 1,200 injuries were from less powerful devices like small firecrackers and sparklers.
The National Safety Council advises the best way to safely enjoy this 4th of July is to watch a public fireworks display conducted by professionals. However, if fireworks are legal where you live and you decide to use them, be sure to follow these safety tips.
General Fireworks Safety Tips
Never allow young children to handle fireworks.
Older children should use fireworks only under close adult supervision.
Light fireworks outdoors in a clear area away from onlookers, houses and flammable materials.
Light one device at a time; maintain a safe distance after lighting.
Do not allow any running or horseplay while fireworks are being used.
Never ignite devices in a container.
Do not try to re-light or handle malfunctioning fireworks; douse and soak them with water and discard them safely.
Keep a bucket of water and hose nearby to fully extinguish fireworks that don’t go off or in case of fire.
“Fireworks Smart” Before, During, and After
The National Council on Fireworks Safety urges consumers to be “fireworks smart” – before, during, and after their fireworks display.
Before: Choose an open area away from spectators, homes, buildings, and dry vegetation. Use a garden hose to wet down the area before firing.
During: As each device burns out, soak it using a hose or bucket of water.
After: Place all used items in a covered, fireproof container and leave it outside and away from homes and buildings.
Special Safety Tips for Sparklers
Children under the age of 12 should not use sparklers without very close adult supervision.
Always remain standing while using sparklers.
Never hold a child in your arms while using sparklers.
Never hold or light more than one sparkler at a time.
Sparklers and bare feet can be a painful combination. Always wear closed-toe shoes when using sparklers.
Sparkler wire and stick remain hot long after the flame has gone out. Be sure to drop the spent sparklers directly into a bucket of water.
Never hand a lighted sparkler to another person. Give them the unlit sparkler and then light it.
Always stand at least 6 feet from another person while using sparklers.
Never throw sparklers.
Show children how to hold sparklers away from their body and at arm’s length.
Teach children not to wave sparklers, especially wooden stick sparklers, or run while holding sparklers.
As we continue to grow as a company, we realize it’s important to show our community who we are and the company Core Values that guide us.
Core values
Our current core values represent our identity and reflect who we are and how we want to be recognized both internally and externally. They are the foundation upon which our company culture continues to thrive and will help us achieve long-term success.
Happy employees are vital
People ask why we use Core Values to guide us. We concluded: because happy employees are vital to the health and success of every organization. Employees are brand champions who represent the company outside of the office. They are the ones with the innovative ideas and the drive to make those ideas real.
Happy employees influence customers
Having defined company values not only benefits employee engagement and how employees interact with us, but can be an influence if someone wants to support our business. Our core company values shape the work environment and the business decisions our leadership team makes. And although the concept might sound like corporate jargon, the values defined by The Green Cocoon shape how we build a great team, create great services, and deliver the best experience for our customers.
Values Displayed
When you walk inside our corporate headquarters, you will notice there are Core Value banners hanging on the walls. They read:
Always be positive.
Believe in yourself.
Empower your team.
Make an impression that counts.
Always do what you say you will do.
These banners help remind us of our Core Values. Those reminders are important to help keep us on track to be the best we can be, not only for our customers, but also for our employees.
Earth Day 2022 was April 22nd and The Green Cocoon team celebrated in style! Our VP Candace Lord joined Insulation Specialist Meaghan Stewart to clean up their local community. Joined by Jeff Dick and Ben Vestal of Nexamp, a solar energy company, they brought their dogs, trash pickers, and trash bags and started picking! Watch our video on YouTube!
About Earth Day
Earth Day started in 1970 to raise awareness of and institute policy change for pollution. Of course, EARTHDAY.ORG growing out of the first Earth Day, was a natural progression. EARTHDAY.ORG is the world’s largest recruiter to the environmental movement, working with more than 150,000 partners in over 192 countries to drive positive action for our planet. The mission of EARTHDAY.ORG is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide.
“We are thrilled to be involved with Earth Day,” said Lord. “We are just trying to do our part to keep the community clean.”
Keeping the “Green” in Green Cocoon
Helping to celebrate Earth Day goes hand-in-hand with The Green Cocoon’s efforts to make little to no negative impact on the environment. Furthermore, we do this with our work and the products we offer and use. Our business is hinged on honesty, transparency, and trust. Moreover, we want you to feel comfortable throughout the entire process, from initial conversations through implementation and beyond.
The 2022 Best of BBB Awards look to recognize businesses that operate with integrity and excellence. The Better Business Bureau® created this award to celebrate local businesses. And, they wanted to recognize the positive impact they have on our community.
TGC Has a Chance to Win the Award!
The Green Cocoon, LLC has the chance to win this award with our customers’ help to further stand out with media exposure, social media promotion and more.
Please vote for us to help us win this prestigious award! We thank you for your vote for the Best of BBB award!
About The Green Cocoon
The Green Cocoon delivers energy-efficient, eco-friendly insulation solutions to residences and businesses throughout Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine. Our first priority is to provide you with the safest, most effective insulation. This helps keep the heat in your house during the winter, and keeps the cool air in during the summer. After all, that’s why you’re considering an insulation solution in the first place. Great insulation means you’ll use less fossil fuel and electricity, thus leaving a smaller carbon footprint.
“We are thrilled that we have excellent employees who do their job very well,” said James Materkowski, President. “Our customers have faith in us and we strive for excellence in every job. This certificate confirms our success.”
About BBB Accreditation
The BBB Accreditation Seal shows commitment to integrity, ethical business practices, and customer service. The Green Cocoon has been accredited with the BBB since February 2019.
Candace and Meaghan, from The Green Cocoon sales team, attended the Southern NH Home Builders & Remodelers Association toy drive and holiday social.
Toys for Tots a highlight
At this event, SNHBRA members network with their peers and bid on fabulous silent auction items. Also, attendees are also encouraged to bring a toy or a monetary donation for Toys for Tots. Toys for Tots mission is to collect new, unwrapped toys and distribute those toys to less fortunate children at Christmas.
The Green Cocoon donated games such as Connect 4, and Chutes and Ladders. Additionally, we added a few boxes of Legos to the mix.
Plenty of activities
Attendees enjoyed a delicious Italian buffet as well as raffles and other fun games throughout the night. Moreover, our own Candace Lord played a game called “Heads or Tails,” whoever earned the most beads won. As you can see from the photo above, she won! The prize—a $100 gift card to the Copper Door Restaurant.
Giving back is important
At The Green Cocoon, our team is honored to give back. We love working in our community, but more importantly, we love working with our community. Thus, we not only give back financially, but also physically, by attending many fundraisers. The Green Cocoon helps support women with breast cancer and sponsors events that help children with cancer and their families. Learn more about our efforts.
Southern NH Home Builders & Remodelers Association, a local affiliate of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and the state New Hampshire Home Builders Association (NHHBA), is an association of industry professionals dedicated to providing quality housing opportunities through education, vision, and advocacy for the betterment of our communities.