The Governors of Massachusetts and New Hampshire have asked all non-essential businesses to close. The Green Cocoon (TGC) is excited to be listed as an essential business, and thus will continue working on all projects as planned, unless other arrangements are made.
Employees Working From Home
All office employees are now working from home and only the installers are coming to the shop. They get the supplies they need and then head off to the project site.
Taking Extra Precautions
“We are a very small crew and are taking extra precautions in the office by deep cleaning surfaces frequently,” said Vice President Candace Lord. “By law our installers have to wear respirators while at the job site, so they are already better protected from the virus. Moreover, TGC uses mechanical ventilation while we work, which creates a negative pressure in the house. This actually prevents any of our air from getting into your house!”
If you have any questions about your current project or would like a consultation for something new, please contact us. Stay safe and healthy everyone.