Cellulose Attic Insulation
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Cellulose Insulation
Cellulose insulation is one of the greenest products in the world. Cellulose is made from recycled newsprint and other paper sources. Moreover, this is paper that might otherwise end up in landfills, releasing greenhouse gases as it decomposes.Cellulose insulation forms a seamless blanket of natural fibers that provide outstanding protection against extreme heat and cold. On the hottest and coldest days, cellulose won’t lose its effective R-value.
Interested in cellulose? Call and let us know how we can help you – 978-462-0082.
As an air barrier
Cellulose blocks air leakage through cracks, voids, and gaps efficiently, only surpassed by sprayed foams. When installed in dense-pack format (3.5#/ cu ft) it is also an approved vapor barrier.For sound attenuation
If the project goal is noise reduction, there is nothing better than cellulose, and the denser the application, the better. Cellulose makes for highly effective sound attenuation in both exterior and interior walls, and between floors too.Dry applied cellulose
Our “dry” applied cellulose is for loose fill in attics, often applied directly over existing fiberglass. It is also blown into “closed” wall cavities and is referred to as “dense pack” (3.5#/ sq ft). It is not necessary for the material to be “sticky” because it is contained between the interior sheet rock and the exterior wall sheathing. It can also be applied to roof systems with the use of a fabric netting to hold it in place.Cellulose Insulation
- GreenFiber: Technical Documents Architects/Building Officials
Interested in cellulose? Call and let us know how we can help you – 978-462-0082.